Okay, So a little secret (not so secret.) about me...

I am an artist. I have been an artist since the day I was born. I absolutely adore designing and creating accessories and being able to work hand in hand with my brides (Really, it is SO rewarding) but, I do love to dabble in the paints and markers as well! 

I will be showcasing some of my artwork at an upcoming RAW (Click on that link to go see what RAW is all about!!)  This show will be at the Fine Line in Minneapolis on October 4th. I am SO extremely excited about it, but a bit nervous! This will be the second show I have showcased some of my artwork at.

I just wanted to inform as MANY people as I can because RAW is an independent organization that was created for artists to have an outlet and exposure in great events! 

I need to sell 20 tickets for my RAW event to help pay for the overhead costs of putting on a huge show like this...which means I NEED YOU! 

I am doing the show Provocations. 

You can buy tickets for $10.00 online. AND when you do, make sure to put it in Zoey Catherine's name. That way, they will count that ticket as part of my ticket sales! 

Can't make the show?? Don't worry...Buying a ticket also counts as a donation ticket sale. 

I would be so appreciative if everyone helped a sista out with donations. OR better yet...I'll see you on October 4th!! 


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